A hard and elastic sculptural plasticine, which doesn’t require heating with water keeps its’ shape well, without forming cracks.
Suitable for small creations with detail, moldings, bas-reliefs and small-scale sculptures.
This plasticine from the Ukrainian company Rosa doesn’t stick to skin and tools during work. At different temperatures it changes malleability, which allows for long pauses in the working process.
Placticine doesn’t hard when exposed to air and keeps its’ elasticity. There are artists who use it to sculpt, for that purpose it would need to be melted so plasticizer and pigment can be added to make it look more like clay.
Skin coloured sculptural plasticine keeps the given shape and can easily be recoloured, which makes it very suitable for making model in a small scale, busts, small statues and characters for Claymation (stop motion animation).
Suitable for making moulds for casting.
A good choice for professional architects, sculptors, designers and beginners.
Полезен при направа архитектурни макети с малки детайли.
Useful when making architectural models with small details.
Предлага се в 5 цвята: бял, телесен, охра, маслинено зелен и черен в опаковки от 400 и 800 гр.
It is offered in 5 colours: white, skin, ochre, olive green, and black in 400 and 800 gr. Packs.